Home / Content / 2016 / April
  1. event-participant4.JPG

  2. Event overview

  3. Networking

  4. Martin Polónyi

    Martin Polónyi, Ministry of Finance, Slovakia

  5. Georgia Christofidou

    Georgia Christofidou, Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development, Cyprus

  6. Georges Kolivas, Pieter Coppens

    Georges Kolivas, DG REGIO, European Commission; Pieter Coppens, European Investment Bank

  7. Event participants

  8. Event participants

  9. Event participants

  10. Event participants

  11. Event participant

  12. Event participants

  13. Event participant

  14. Andreas Kythreotis, Martin Polónyi, Pietro Celotti

    Andreas Kythreotis, Bank of Cyprus, Cyprus; Martin Polónyi, Ministry of Finance, Slovakia; Pietro Celotti, fi-compass expert

  15. Andreas Kythreotis

    Andreas Kythreotis, Bank of Cyprus, Cyprus

  16. Andreas Kythreotis and participant

    Andreas Kythreotis, Bank of Cyprus, Cyprus

  17. Guillaume Thomé

    Guillaume Thomé, Finorpa, France

  18. Bruno Robino and event participant

    Bruno Robino, European Investment Bank

  19. fi-compass publications

  20. Joanna Wardzińska

    Joanna Wardzińska, TISE S.A., Poland