Home / Content / 2016 / December
  1. Illustration taken at the conference

  2. Illustration taken at the conference

  3. Illustration taken at the conference

  4. Illustration taken at the conference

  5. Illustration taken at the conference

  6. Illustration taken at the conference

  7. Illustration taken at the conference

  8. Illustration taken at the conference

  9. Illustration taken at the conference

  10. Illustration taken at the conference

  11. Illustration taken at the conference

  12. Illustration taken at the conference

  13. Mr Jader Cané

    Mr Jader Cané, Senior Expert, European Commission

  14. Ms Martina Rosato

    Ms Martina Rosato, Direzione Generale, Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

  15. Mr Bruno Robino

    Mr Bruno Robino, Head of fi-compass, European Investment Bank

  16. Mr Giampietro Pizzo

    Mr Giampietro Pizzo, President, Italian Microfinance Network (RITMI)

  17. Mr Matthieu Bertrand

    Mr Matthieu Bertrand, Mandate Manager, European Investment Bank

  18. Mr Jorge Ramirez Puerto

    Mr Jorge Ramirez Puerto, General Manager, European Microfinance Network (EMN)

  19. Ms Marianna D'Angelo

    Ms Marianna D'Angelo, Managing Authority of ESF National Operational Programmes ”Iniziativa Occupazione Giovani e Sistemi di Polit…

  20. Mr Marko Gorban

    Mr Marko Gorban, Deputy Secretary General for Agricultural and Rural Life Policies, Ministry of Agriculture, Estonia

  21. Ms Katrin Sturm

    Ms Katrin Sturm, Secretary General, EU Association of Guarantee Institutions