fi-compass Knowledge Hub – State aid

25 June 2020

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***Not formal guidance***

This document captures the key topics identified and discussed in the fi-compass Knowledge Hub – State aid workshop. Some of the State aid challenges considered by the participants included:

  • Addressing State aid in the context of Energy Efficiency financial instruments;
  • The Marinvest judgement and when support to small undertakings may not be liable to affect trade between Member States and therefore not contrary to the State aid rules
  • the practical steps taken to demonstrate the pass on of State aid at the level of financial intermediaries; and
  • the Risk Financing flexibilities under Article 21 of the General Block Exemption Regulation.

The note captures the discussion between participants and is presented for consideration by fi-compass practitioners. The note does not constitute formal guidance and practitioners should always take professional advice based on the particular circumstances of their case.

The Knowledge Hub has been developed to meet the growing need amongst experienced practitioners for events and materials that provide a more in-depth look into topics affecting financial instruments. Its format utilises email exchanges to promote a longer term engagement between participants together with traditional face to face workshops to allow experienced practitioners to work together to explore the subject matter through peer to peer exchange and expert-led sessions.

In order to encourage openness between the parties the discussions are undertaken under the Chatham House Rule which states: ‘When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.’

In particular, the representatives of the European Commission, namely DG REGIO and DG COMP have participated in the Knowledge Hub to receive feedback from the Member States concerning the application of the State aid rules when implementing financial instruments. The participation of the representatives of DG REGIO and DG COMP should not be interpreted as an official endorsement of any of the suggestions that may be discussed and/or described during the Knowledge Hub and this document.