Supporting the development of Social Finance Ecosystems in Member States under ESF

20 January 2020

The fi-compass factsheet ‘Supporting the development of Social Finance Ecosystems in Member States under ESF – Lessons learned from the Portuguese Social Innovation Initiative‘ provides step-by-step guidance for the managing authorities willing to support the social economy sector with ESF resources. By taking inspiration from the Portuguese Social Innovation Initiative and building on its lesson learned, this factsheet delivers insights and advice for the adoption of a so-called ‘ecosystem approach‘, whereby all the needs and aspects of social economy stakeholders are addressed and factored into the policy tools.

This factsheet analyses a number of issues related to the set-up and implementation of complex initiatives aimed at supporting the social sector, among which: governance models, use of ESF and simplified cost options, complementarities among national and regional Operational Programmes, impact-related remuneration, engagement of relevant actors and selection of social service providers, etc.

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