The EU agricultural sector, farmers and rural areas are facing increasing challenges. The long-lasting disruption in production and consumption due to the effects of Covid-19, the current energy crisis and rising inflation, the war in Ukraine as well as various and rather devastating climate events (such as fires and floods) are placing farmers’ incomes and economic perspectives under significant pressure. These events also have a serious territorial impact since they negatively affect the economic and social development of EU rural areas.
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The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) organised the 8th annual EU conference on EAFRD financial instruments ‘Towards a more resilient and sustainable agriculture sector’ to discuss possible responses to the above challenges. The conference brought together managing authorities, experts, farm unions’ representatives, European Investment Bank Group and European Commission officials.
EU farmers facing increasing market pressure need to have a stable economic and policy support environment to help them maintaining their capacity to produce food that is of high quality, healthy and affordable, and to contribute to the green transformation of the European economy and in agriculture.
The main highlights of the conference were the CAP economic interventions such as direct payments, investments, support for young farmers, financial instruments and risk management. The conference also featured new investment and agricultural strategies of the Member States, which are at the forefront of the new policy developments, focusing on Member States with approved CAP Strategic Plans for 2023-2027.

case study
The audio in the video files is in original language of the speakers. The English interpretation is available as audio files.
Title | Speakers | ||
Opening statement | Silvia Michelini, Director, DG AGRI, European Commission |
Opening statement | Pavel Sekáč, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic and the Czech Council Presidency |
The view of European farmers and agri-cooperatives on the resilience and sustainability of Europe’s farming systems | Paulo Gouveia, Chief Policy Advisor, COPA-COGECA |
Investment strategies in new CAP Strategic Plans, Czech Republic | Josef Tabery, Director of Managing Authority Department for RDP, Ministry of Agriculture, Czech Republic |
Investment strategies in new CAP Strategic Plans, Slovakia | Katarína Mihaľová, Director General, Section of Rural Development and Direct Payments, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Slovakia |
Ireland’s CAP Strategic Plan - Supporting Income Resilience and Agricultural Sustainability | Niamh Hamilton Jones, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland |
Risk management measures in Hungary | Gábor János Suga, Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary |
Risk management measures in Italy | Mauro Serra Bellini, Head of Risk Management Measures, Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, Italy |
Estonian CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027 EAFRD financial instruments: State of play | Kai Kalmann, Head of the Rural Economy and Competition Policy Section, Ministry of Rural Affairs, Estonia |
A guarantee fund to make farms in Auvergne Rhône Alpes more resilient to climate change | Alexis Morrier, Directorate of Agriculture, Forestry and Agri-food, EAFRD Managing authority in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, France |
Financial needs in agriculture, fishing sector and food industry | Benjamin Bihel, Financial Instruments Project Manager, EAFRD Managing Authority in Normandie region, France |
InvestEU and EIB Group support offer for the agriculture sector and EAFRD managing authorities | Nicolas Mardam-Bey, Loan Officer, European Investment Bank |
InvestEU and EIB Group support offer for the agriculture sector and EAFRD managing authorities | Alessandro Gargani, Senior Business Development and Mandate Manager, European Investment Fund |