United Kingdom

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

United Kingdom facts & figures

Total active financial instruments (2014-2020) 35 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Total contributions to financial instruments (€ million) 2 185.96 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Data from before 01.01.2022

Source: Cohesion Policy Open Data Platform

United Kingdom financial instruments


Thematic objective


Thematic objectives

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Entries are classified as VOID where the relevant thematic objective (TO) is not clearly identified in the submitted data.

Total amount by fund

In focus

Streets of London

MEEF helps black cabs convert to electric

2 December 2022

Thanks to the Mayor of London’s Energy Efficiency Fund (‘MEEF‘), which uses European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) financial instruments (FIs), Colts Cabs Limited (‘Colts’), London’s largest independent licensed taxi rental company, has benefitted from a multi-million Euro loan to fund 30 electric black cabs through an innovative and flexible pay-per-mile mechanism.


fi-compass MRA RICE project on the potential for urban development financial instruments featured in DG REGIO’s Panorama Magazine

24 September 2019

The fi-compass Multi-region assistance (MRA) project Revolving Instruments for Cities in Europe (RICE) is in the foc


fi-compass Showcase 2019 submission – watch a video story from Northern Ireland: ‘Neurovalens’

9 September 2019

This ‘fi-compass Showcase 2019’ submission is a video story about Neurovalens, a small company from Northern Ireland producing wearable technology.